Section: New Results

Compiler, vectorization, interpretation

Participants : Erven Rohou, Emmanuel Riou, Bharath Narasimha Swamy, Arjun Suresh, André Seznec, Nabil Hallou, Sylvain Collange.

Improving sequential performance through memoization

Participants : Erven Rohou, Emmanuel Riou, Bharath Narasimha Swamy, André Seznec, Arjun Suresh.

Many applications perform repetitive computations, even when properly programmed and optimized. Performance can be improved by caching results of pure functions, and retrieving them instead of recomputing a result (a technique called memoization).

We propose [20] a simple technique for enabling software memoization of any dynamically linked pure function and we illustrate our framework using a set of computationally expensive pure functions – the transcendental functions.

Our technique does not need the availability of source code and thus can be applied even to commercial applications as well as applications with legacy codes. As far as users are concerned, enabling memoization is as simple as setting an environment variable.

Our framework does not make any specific assumptions about the underlying architecture or compiler tool-chains, and can work with a variety of current architectures.

We present experimental results for x86-64 platform using both gcc and icc compiler tool-chains, and for ARM cortex-A9 platform using gcc. Our experiments include a mix of real world programs and standard benchmark suites: SPEC and Splash2x. On standard benchmark applications that extensively call the transcendental functions we report memoization benefits of upto 16 %, while much higher gains were realized for programs that call the expensive Bessel functions. Memoization was also able to regain a performance loss of 76 % in bwaves due to a known performance bug in the gcc libm implementation of pow function.

This work has been published in ACM TACO 2015 [20] and accepted for presentation at the International Conference HiPEAC 2016.

Code Obfuscation

Participant : Erven Rohou.

This research is done in collaboration with the group of Prof. Ahmed El-Mahdy at E-JUST, Alexandria, Egypt.

We propose [24] to leverage JIT compilation to make software tamper-proof. The idea is to constantly generate different versions of an application, even while it runs, to make reverse engineering hopeless. More precisely a JIT engine is used to generate new versions of a function each time it is invoked, applying different optimizations, heuristics and parameters to generate diverse binary code. A strong random number generator will guarantee that generated code is not reproducible, though the functionality is the same.

This work was presented in January 2015 at the International Workshop on Dynamic Compilation Everywhere (DCE-2015) [24] .

Dynamic Binary Re-vectorization

Participants : Erven Rohou, Nabil Hallou, Emmanuel Riou.

This work is done in collaboration with Philippe Clauss and Alain Ketterlin (Inria CAMUS).

Applications are often under-optimized for the hardware on which they run. Several reasons contribute to this unsatisfying situation, including the use of legacy code, commercial code distributed in binary form, or deployment on compute farms. In fact, backward compatibility of instruction sets guarantees only the functionality, not the best exploitation of the hardware. In particular SIMD instruction sets are always evolving.

We proposed [23] a runtime re-vectorization platform that dynamically adapts applications to execution hardware. The platform is built on top of Padrone. Programs distributed in binary forms are re-vectorized at runtime for the underlying execution hardware. Focusing on the x86 SIMD extensions, we are able to automatically convert loops vectorized for SSE into the more recent and powerful AVX. A lightweight mechanism leverages the sophisticated technology put in a static vectorizer and adjusts, at minimal cost, the width of vectorized loops. We achieve speedups in line with a native compiler targeting AVX. Our re-vectorizer is implemented inside a dynamic optimization platform; its usage is completely transparent to the user and requires neither access to source code nor rewriting binaries.

Dynamic Parallelization of Binary Executables

Participants : Erven Rohou, Nabil Hallou, Emmanuel Riou.

We address runtime automatic parallelization of binary executables, assuming no previous knowledge on the executable code. The Padrone platform is used to identify candidate functions and loops. Then we disassemble the loops and convert them to the intermediate representation of the LLVM compiler (thanks to the external tool McSema). This allows us to leverage the power of the polyhedral model for auto-parallelizing loops. Once optimized, new native code is generated just-in-time in the address space of the target process.

Our approach enables user transparent auto-parallelization of legacy and/or commercial applications with auto-parallelization.

This work is done in collaboration with Philippe Clauss (Inria CAMUS).

Hardware Accelerated JIT Compilation for Embedded VLIW Processors

Participant : Erven Rohou.

Just-in-time (JIT) compilation is widely used in current embedded systems (mainly because of Java Virtual Machine). When targeting Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors, JIT compilation back-ends grow more complex because of the instruction scheduling phase. This tends to reduce the benefits of JIT compilation for such systems. We propose a hybrid JIT compiler where JIT management is handled in software and the back-end is performed by specialized hardware. Experimental studies show that this approach leads to a compilation up to 15 times faster and 18 times more energy efficient than a pure software compilation.

This work is done in collaboration with the CAIRN team (Steven Derrien and Simon Rokicki).

Performance Assessment of Sequential Code

Participant : Erven Rohou.

The advent of multicore and manycore processors, including GPUs, in the customer market encouraged developers to focus on extraction of parallelism. While it is certainly true that parallelism can deliver performance boosts, parallelization is also a very complex and error-prone task, and many applications are still dominated by sequential sections. Micro-architectures have become extremely complex, and they usually do a very good job at executing fast a given sequence of instructions. When they occasionally fail, however, the penalty is severe. Pathological behaviors often have their roots in very low-level details of the micro-architecture, hardly available to the programmer. In [33] , we argue that the impact of these low-level features on performance has been overlooked, often relegated to experts. We show that a few metrics can be easily defined to help assess the overall performance of an application, and quickly diagnose a problem. Finally, we illustrate our claim with a simple prototype, along with use cases.

Compilers for emerging throughput architectures

Participant : Sylvain Collange.

This work is done in collaboration with Douglas de Couto and Fernando Pereira from UFMG.

The increasing popularity of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) has brought renewed attention to old problems related to the Single Instruction, Multiple Data execution model. One of these problems is the reconvergence of divergent threads. A divergence happens at a conditional branch when different threads disagree on the path to follow upon reaching this split point. Divergences may impose a heavy burden on the performance of parallel programs.

We have proposed a compiler-level optimization to mitigate the performance loss due to branch divergence on GPUs. This optimization consists in merging function call sites located at different paths that sprout from the same branch. We show that our optimization adds negligible overhead on the compiler. When not applicable, it does not slow down programs and it accelerates substantially those in which it is applicable. As an example, we have been able to speed up the well known SPLASH Fast Fourier Transform benchmark by 11 %.

Deterministic floating-point primitives for high-performance computing

Participant : Sylvain Collange.

This work is done in collaboration with David Defour (UPVD), Stef Graillat and Roman Iakymchuk (LIP6).

Parallel algorithms such as reduction are ubiquitous in parallel programming, and especially high-performance computing. Although these algorithms rely on associativity, they are used on floating-point data, on which operations are not associative. As a result, computations become non-deterministic, and the result may change according to static and dynamic parameters such as machine configuration or task scheduling.

We introduced a solution to compute deterministic sums of floating-point numbers efficiently and with the best possible accuracy. A multi-level algorithm incorporating a filtering stage that uses fast vectorized floating-point expansions and an accumulation stage based on superaccumulators in a high-radix carry-save representation guarantees accuracy to the last bit even on degenerate cases while maintaining high performance in the common cases [16] . Leveraging these algorithms, we build a reproducible BLAS library [49] and extend the approach to triangular solvers  [25] .